Monday, May 14, 2012

The foundation of my future

Hear ye, hear ye! The foundation has been poured and it was quite a surprise! I wasn't expecting it the morning it was poured.

Concrete truck
Here are some shots of the pretty new base for the house.

Back porch

View from back of lot

Afterward, I was a bit shocked. Why? Well, much to my chagrin, the slab is super thick in the front and much thinner in the back.

Thick front foundation
I have to say that this is a major bummer. This unforeseen event means that I will have stairs going up to both the front door and the garage entrance. Therefore, I may have trouble when I get ready to sell the house. I built a one-story home so that I could include older folks the demographic of potential buyers.

Besides this big surprise, I'm excited to see the exact outline of the house. It seems like everything may actually come together, albeit not exactly as I had envisioned.

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