Over the past nine days, the plumbing rough, layout inspection, "beam and poly", "case and cable", and foundation inspection happened. That's a lot and I was amazed. In fact, this past weekend, one crew was even working on a Sunday!
Now, if you are anything like me, you might be wondering what a few of these terms mean. Luckily, my brother used to work as a construction manager. I quizzed him a few times to find out what was actually going on, since the construction manager building my house wasn't too interested in chatting about terminology.
The plumbing rough isn't too hard to figure out. First, trenches are dug in designated places. Then, the workers place the main plumbing lines and drains in the trenches and connect them all together. A new sewer line for the house is created and is then connected to the main sewer line for the neighborhood.
Main line |
Pressure gauge |
Kitchen plumbing |
The bathroom plumbing is all important. Do I have to go into more detail? I thought not. Stay tuned for the more wacky construction terminology.
Bathroom plumbing |